Zaha Hadid (1950 – 2016) | Premio Pritzker 2004

This famous British-Iraqui architect, recognized as a major figure in architecture of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, spent most of her life in London, where she completed her studies on architecture. Her pioneering vision redefined the architecture of the 21st century. Her projects changed the established architectural notions, as many of these projects had not previously been done in the same way as she did or using the materials that she used. Combining an unwavering optimism for the future with innovation in design, materials, and construction in general she had became a memorable architect. Her major works include the London Aquatics Center for the 2012 Olympics, the Broad Art Museum, Rome’s MAXXI Museum, and the Guangzhou Opera House. About her recognisements, she has been awarded several times along her career. Hadid was the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize, in 2004. She also received the UK’s most prestigious architectural award in 2010 and 2011 or even she became the first woman to be individually awarded the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects

“En última instancia, la arquitectura se trata de la creación de entornos agradables y estimulantes para todos los aspectos de la vida social. Creo que las complejidades y el dinamismo de la vida contemporánea no pueden ser arrojadas a simples formas platónicas proporcionadas por el canon clásico […] tenemos que lidiar con diagramas sociales más complejos y estratificados.”
Basically what she is trying to say in this quote, or at least what I understood is that as we, our culture, our customs, our necessities, etc change along the time, our way to built should do it too. We can not be building according to how other past cultures built. Our human necessities and our society diagrams are not the same as they were 1000 years ago, they are even more complex ones so they should be satisfied in a contemporary way to fix the difficulties of this modern life. From my point of view, I honestly believe the same as Zaha Hadid. As we evolve, our way to built, design, perceive the environment, etc should do it too. The evolution means the change according to the new necessities, it is a natural phenomenon that should not be rejected.

After reading this incredible book plenty of knowledge becoming from an experienced architect such as Alberto is, i have realized that an architect have to have so many skills, this almost scared me until i realized all the benefits and the necessity of being so skillful.
Aalso reading this text has helped me to feel a bit more confident about my future as I was certainly worried about what could I do after finishing the degree. We have been told that architects do not often have so many job opportunities, and only few of them end up working in what they want, love and have been teached to do. So reading this book has changed in a drastic way my point of view and also has encouraged me to don’t give up on studying this degree.
As well, some other conclusions that i have reached from reading the text is that architecture is not a difficult degree, however, is one in which you have to work everyday. You should be a constant and a disciplined person to handle properly the degree.This idea, is exposed by the author by using a great metaphor in which he compares the degree with going up or down stairs and on which he bases to say that projects should not be done quickly.
Last but not least, I really admire the way he gives some advises for students to handle this degree in an appropriate way. Summarizing, he says that we should draw a lot, take pictures, analyze almost everything we see, write at our drawings an of course read.